I didnt open the app until I was on my way to the park for a walk this morning. I then did the normal "agree" to location services, and waiver, then had to go. I ended up leaving my iPad in the car during the hour walk. When I came back, I saw I had 3 notices from my data plan. Now two days ago, Id just purchased the 3G/$25/3month add on to the 10% I had left of the previous 3G. This usually lasts me quite a while (6-8 wks) without LTE being turned on. I was quite surprised to see 3 notices popping up to me about data volume exhaust. 9:36am - 20% data warning 9:44am - 10% data warning 9:53am - 2% data warning There are 266 high def pictures which need to be downloaded. I paid $8 for the app and I just finished paying another $25 for these surprise pictures I had no idea existed. Sheesh!! I guess my bad, but I thought the app was already downloaded at home. And absolutely a warning while I wasnt on a wifi network about this data volume would have been nice. I dont really know how to rate the app itself. I havent used it yet. This has just got me really annoyed at this point. Even on my wifi- the downloads just finished now, 2:17pm. The app will consume 2.5G of memory. So, this is a pretty hefty program. Im sure itll be beautiful. Ill come back & up my stars if its fun to play with but right now, Im just irritated.